You will be choosing 2 questions from the exam question’s list. You can only choose one question per section (eg, you cannot choose two questions

You will be choosing 2 questions from the exam question’s list. You can only choose one question per section (eg, you cannot choose two questions from section 1). Yes, this means there will be sections you will not choose a question from.

You will write anywhere from 2-4 paragraphs for each question you choose (they can be longer!). More than 500 words for each question.

In writing your answers, you should keep in mind that you are talking to a fellow student who is not taking our class. So, you will need to give context, explain ideas, and even source/cite material. Like as if you were writing a really good (academic) blog post.

You will use all the relevant material from our first unit/module. This means, at times, you will be using multiple sources in your answers. I don’t demand actual citations, but referencing lectures, texts (textbook material and the dialogues), and anything else we have covered will be crucial but look below for further clarification.

YOU CANNOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES! Only material from our textbook and canvas are allowed.

You will be uploading to canvas/turnitin so please avoid copy/pasta from the internet or from working with your friends (as always, some very minor overlap can happen but you must write your own work!).

General Advice: Write as if you are speaking to another student who is not enrolled in our class. They have interest but do not have the context or the background necessary to understand your answer. So, you should ELABORATE, GIVE EXAMPLES, PUT THINGS IN CONTEXT, and/or everything else that may help you explain your answer to your buddy/mom/etc… Follow the handy checklist below for further clarification.

The Checklist (the minimum):

Remember to ask yourself all the important checklist questions:

Did I answer every part of the question?

Did I organize my answers?

Did I fully explain any concepts, ideas, thought experiments, arguments, etc… necessary for a layperson to understand your answer to the question?

Did I base my answers on what I learned from class (the lectures, the textbook, our discussions, related coursework, etc…)?

Did I provide reasons for my own claims (backed up my claims with evidence, logic, or sensible assumptions (depends on the context*)?

Did I avoid using sources from outside the class material?

As a shorthand (rough guide), did I write 2-3 paragraphs (6 to 10 sentences each) or more?

Did I use examples to illustrate points or concepts?

Did I meet the minimum word threshold of 1100-1300 words?

For “A”wesome “A”nswers:
 Did I cite the textbook or primary readings? Did I draw connections between course subject matter and my life/literature/culture/society/etc…? Did I write a minimum of 3-4 
long/detailed paragraphs or more?

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